Monday, August 23, 2010

Easy money causing issues

All recent incidents related to big families they are belongs to either political or cinema. These are the two major high class categories causing all the issues in the state. Other side of the coin, media is concentrating only on popularity and they don’t care of public interest.

How they are getting money

Everybody knows about how politician earns money. Again, it is public fault to give money for any kind of work. Giving is the first activity taking is next. So, first is first giving is first mistake to correct. Punishing the person who is bribing should be more that taking person.

Movie artists are the most hyped personalities in the state of AP. They never think of society and always looking for some publicity. Why and how public supporting these kinds of people is a million dollars question. But, publicity and media management is the key to keep them on high. Since 1990’s I am observing these movies and corresponding great personalities, they never ever think of good society. According to our ancient books and theories; the giving and taking always starts from Society to Family to Individual. Now in cine industry, First layer(society) is completely ignored. It is always Family to Individual. Same thing is true in political families also.